Owners of a Wii or Wii U may want to take note. Activision announced that Skylanders Trap Team Wii will also include a code for a free digital version of Trap Team for the Wii U. Why might this be important? Well, obviously if you have a Wii and plan on upgrading to a Wii U then this version will have you covered. But what if you just have a Wii U? Well, if you don’t mind getting a digital version of the game, this might be a good deal for you. You see, Skylanders Trap Team for the Wii is one of the very last games to be produced for the Wii. So it seems likely that some retailers will clearance or mark down this version of Trap Team before the more popular newer versions including the Wii U version. So Wii U owners who may not want to buy a copy on day one, or if you are like me and have kids and multiple systems where the Wii U version isn’t your first version of choice, you can just wait and watch for the Wii version to go on sale or clearance. I usually try picking up a Wii U version cheap so that the kids can play Swap Force while I play something else on the Xbox or PlayStation. So patient deal seekers be aware that the Wii version of Skylanders Trap Team, could be your ticket to a cheap digital version of the game for your Wii U. You can read the original Activision post here.