Zook Series 2

Zook Series 2
"Locked and Loaded!"

Zook Series 2 Retailers

Giants Triple Pack 2 Retailers

Zook hails from a strange and unusual species called Bambazookers, who once lived their entire lives standing in place… until Zook discovered they could walk simply by stepping out of the mud. After that, he became a wandering hero, using his hand-carved bamboo tube as a bazooka that fires special explosive thorns. Campfire songs were even written about him. Now, Zook spends his time as a Skylander, figuring he can be an even bigger hero… and have even more songs written about him.

Zook Series 2 is a Life Skylander appearing in Giants. He has one other variant: Zook (Spyro's Adventure).

Zook Series 2 was released with Wave 1 Skylanders Giants and was released individually as well as part of a triple pack with Ignitor Series 2 and Chill. He is now hard to find, so your best bet would be to find him used or through a reseller.

Meet Zook Series 2


    Card Stats
In Game Stats
Attack: 80  Max Health260
Defense:85  Speed43
Speed: 20  Armor30
Luck:85  Critical Hit20
  Elemental Power46


All Attacks
Bazooka AttackPress Attack 1 to fire bazooka shells that explode into shrapnel - hold Attack 1 to extend the range.Free
Foliage BarrierPress the Attack 2 button to grow a barricade made of plants to protect yourself.Free
Hardwood ShellsBazooka shells and shrapnel do increased damage.500 Gold
Fungal BloomBarrier is stronger and takes longer for enemies to destroy.700 Gold
Mortar AttackPress Attack 3 to launch a Mortar attack.900 Gold
Full Splinter JacketBazooka shells create more shrapnel.1200 Gold
Artilleryman Path
High Velocity ShrapnelBazooka shrapnel has longer range.1700 Gold
Old Growth BazookaBazooka shells and shrapnel do even more increased damage.2200 Gold
Exploding ShrapnelBazooka shrapnel explodes on contact, damaging nearby enemies.3000 Gold
Floral Defender Path
Cactus BarrierBarrier does damage to any enemy that touches it.1700 Gold
Mortar of LifeMortar attacks grow a cactus where the shell explodes. Prerequisite: Mortar Strike2200 Gold
Fightin' FoliageBarriers and Cacti knock enemies back and do damage.3000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
MIRV MortarMortar shells explode into three smaller shells.4000 Gold
Wow Pow!
Target Lock!Hold Attack 3 to bring up a targeting reticle, and press Attack 1 to hit that target with a fruit mortar.5000 Gold




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