Long ago, Sonic Boom took refuge high atop a mountain peak in the far reaches of Skylands, hoping to keep her griffin hatchlings safe. But despite her precautions, a devious wizard tracked her down and placed a wicked curse on the griffin eggs. Once hatched, the young hatchlings can live for only mere moments before they magically return to their shells... only to be hatched again in an endless cycle. Wanting to prevent such evil from happening to others, Sonic Boom joined the Skylanders and has trained her young to defend Skylands each time they are hatched.
Sonic Boom Series 2 - Glow in the Dark was a special variant of Sonic Boom Series 2 which was sold exclusively by Walmart. It was one three Glow in the Dark figures to be released for Skylanders Giants. The figures are completely painted in a glow in the dark paint. Like all special painted variants of Skylanders, the characters will not appear as "Glow in the Dark" in the game. The other Glow in the Dark figures that were part of Giants are: Fright Rider - Glow in the Dark and Cynder Series 2 - Glow in the Dark.