Scarlet Ninjini

Scarlet Ninjini
"Any Last Wishes?"

Scarlet Ninjini Retailers

Ninjini was the most renowned magical ninja from ancient times, long before the Arkeyans rose to power. But a dark sorceress, who was jealous of Ninjini's skill as a warrior, trapped her within an enchanted bottle to be imprisoned for all of eternity. Time stretched on, yet Ninjini remained steadfast and determined to escape - even mastering the dual sword technique within the solitude of her bottle. Over the years, her strength continued to grow until alas, through sheer force of will, she broke free! From that moment on, Ninjini made it her mission to help those in need as one of the first Skylanders, always carrying that enchanted bottle as a reminder of her own resilience.

Scarlet Ninjini is a special variant of Ninjini for Giants. Like other named variants she does appear in the game as Scarlet Ninjini.

Scarlet Ninjini was released with Wave 5 of Giants characters but was very limited. She is now best obtained used or through a reseller.

Meet Ninjini


    Card Stats
In Game Stats
Attack: 100  Max Health410
Defense:100  Speed60
Speed: 100  Armor48
Luck:150  Critical Hit80
  Elemental Power25


All Attacks
WishbladesPress Attack 1 to swing dual swords for hacking and slashing enemies. Press Attack 1, Attack 1, HOLD Attack 1 for a special combo.Free
Bottle BlastPress Attack 2 to hide inside the bottle. Press Attack 2 again to blast out in a magical explosion.Free
Surrealistic SpheresPress Attack 3 to summon magical orbs and cast them towards the enemies.500 Gold
Abra-Ca-Stab-BraWishblades do increased damage.700 Gold
Juggling ActHold Attack 3 to summon four magical orbs and damage multiple enemies. Prerequisite: Surrealistic Spheres900 Gold
Bottle RocketsWhile inside the bottle, press Attack 1 to launch rockets.1200 Gold
Swords of Might Path
Wishblade CombosPress Attack 1, Attack 1, HOLD Attack 2 for Fling Blade. Press Attack 1, Attack 1, HOLD Attack 3 for Enchanted Blade.1700 Gold
WishbladesplosionHold Attack 1 button to charge up the swords into an explosive blast.2200 Gold
Ultimate WishbladeWishblades do maximum damage.3000 Gold
Ancient Djinn Magic Path
Super Surrealistic SpheresMagical orbs do more damage and affect a greater area.1700 Gold
Ultimate Bottle RocketsBottle rockets launch faster, do more damage, and affect a greater area.2200 Gold
Buy a Better BottleBottle is stronger and moves faster.3000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Dazzling EnchantmentWhile inside the bottle, hold down Attack 3 to put enemies into a trance.4000 Gold

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