Lightning Rod once lived in the majestic Cloud Kingdom, where his countless acts of heroism along with his winning smile and electric physique made him the most famous storm giant in the realm. He was a true celebrity, and the palace halls were littered with statues of the chiseled hero. But all the praise and admiration could never quite satisfy Rod, who yearned for something more. As luck would have it, he met an adventurous young dragon named Spyro, who told him fantastic stories of faraway places and dangerous adventures. Rod was spellbound, and he set off with Spyro to seek an audience with Eon to join the Skylanders.
Lightning Rod Series 2 - Metallic Purple is a special variant of Lightning Rod Series 2 for Skylanders Giants. He was randomly found on retail shelves during the release of his character for Giants. Like other special paint variants he will not appear as metallic purple in the game. There are two other Metallic Purple figures that were found during the run of Skylanders Giants: Wrecking Ball Series 2 - Metallic Purple and Eye Brawl - Metallic Purple.