Hot Head had always been a short tempered fire giant. But it was when magical oil was discovered in Skylands that fuel was really added to the fire. As exciting as the discovery was, the celebration lasted only 5 minutes - coming to an abrupt halt when Hot Head needed to cool off and plunged into the thick black pool, causing the entire island to explode! Though it would be another 2,000 years before magical oil was discovered again, the impact that it had on Hot Head was immediate. He was instantly infused with magical oil, giving him the ability to generate an infinite supply of fuel - making him incredibly volatile, highly combustible, and ready to torch anything that got in his way.
Hot Head - Sparkle is a vary rare painted variant of Hot Head for Skylanders Giants. This Sparkle variant was randomly found on store shelves during the run of Skylanders Giants. He is one of three Sparkle variants released with Giants. The other two are Sonic Boom Series 2 - Sparkle and Sprocket - Sparkle.