Hex Series 2

Hex Series 2
"Fear the Dark!"

Hex Series 2 Retailers

Long ago, Hex was a gifted and powerful sorceress who traveled deep into the underworld to confront the Undead Dragon King named Malefor, who made several attempts to capture her to learn her secrets. Though she successfully battled the dragon, Hex returned from the underworld changed – having unwillingly joined the ranks of the Undead. Many are wary of her since her transformation, suspecting she has used her powerful magic for evil purposes. But Eon trusts her, and views her as a valuable Skylander ally.

Hex Series 2 is an Undead Skylander appearing in Giants. She has two other variants: Hex (Spyro's Adventure), and Lightcore Hex (Giants).

Hex Series 2 was released as part of Wave 2 of Skylanders for Giants. She was also included in a Wave 5 triple pack with Slam Bam Series 2 and Shroomboom, however this pack was not released in the US. Her individual character can still be found in stores.

Meet Hex Series 2


    Card Stats
In Game Stats
Attack:80  Max Health270
Defense: 90  Speed43
Speed:45  Armor18
Luck:65  Critical Hit30
  Elemental Power46

All Attacks
Conjure Phantom OrbPress Attack 1 to launch magic orbs of spectral energy that track Hijinx's foes.Free
Rain of SkullsHold Attack 2 to begin casting this spell. When full charged, release and ghostly skulls rain down on Hijinx's enemies.Free
Wall of BonesPress Attack 3 to create a Wall of Bones to protect Hijinx.500 Gold
Storm of SkullsConjure up to four skulls with your Skull Rain attack.700 Gold
Bone FortressThe Wall of Bones is larger and takes more damage to destroy. Prerequisite: Wall of Bones900 Gold
Twice the OrbagePress Attack 1 to shoot two Phantom Orbs at once.1200 Gold
Shade Master Path
Long Distance OrbsHold Attack 1 to increase the range of your Phantom Orbs.1700 Gold
Caustic Phantom OrbsPhantom Orbs do increased damage.2200 Gold
Unstable Phantom OrbsPhantom Orbs explode, damaging nearby enemies.3000 Gold
Bone Crafter Path
Compound FractureWall of Bones damages any enemy that touches it.1700 Gold
Master CasterTakes much less time to cast Skull Rain and Wall of Bones.2200 Gold
Troll SkullsSkull Rain does increased damage.3000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Skull ShieldSkull Rain knocks away enemies and attacks.4000 Gold
Wow Pow!
Skull Buddy!Hold Attack 2 to charge up the Skull Storm, then press Attack 1 to conjure a giant skull pal.5000 Gold


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