Battlecast Magic Elemental Cards

There are 28 Magic Elemental Cards in Skylanders Battlecast, consisting of spell cards, relic cards and gear cards.

Non-colored cards represent non-collected cards and will be replaced once collected.

Battlecast Magic Element Cards
Abra-KaboomMind ReaderStar Shell StopperAmpli-FlierFortune Telling
Loco-PotionRippling PulseWarp HatArcane PrismDragon Dive
Essence IgnitionFizz BangOb's WandOrbital StrikeRerun
Sigil of the DragonSwitcherooBuurrrpHorns FirstMagic Mayhem
Soda FountainWishful ThinkingAbraca-Stab-RaSpyromaniaThought Theft
ChuggernautNether WarpBottle Clocked
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