Battlecast Air Elemental Cards

There are 29 Air Elemental Cards in Skylanders Battlecast, consisting of spell cards, relic cards and gear cards.

Non-colored cards represent non-collected cards and will be replaced once collected.

Battlecast Air Element Cards
Tiny TwisterArkeyan Desk FanFull Scream AheadShockBeam Splitter
Chromatic BaubleFinishing BlowGustShower of SparksSucks To Be You
Twisted CrystalsWhiplash BashBeam BarrageDrainy DaySmoke Screen
Suction AbductionWindfallAzurite WeathervaneDuplicator Mark IIDust Devil
Forked LightningStrafing RunAtlas of AgesLightning Claw StanceLightning Strike
Splintering GaleThunder and LightningWhirl and SwirlHeart of the Rainbow
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