Chop Chop is a relentless, highly-skilled warrior who wields a sword and shield made of indestructible metal. He was once an Elite Guard amongst the ancient Arkeyan beings. The Arkeyans had created massive armies of synthetic soldiers, and the Elites were the most powerful of these. Like many of the Arkeyans, Chop Chop was created from a hybrid of elements - in his case, using undead magic and technology. Refusing to believe that his people disappeared, Chop Chop was scouring the kingdom seeking an Arkeyan leader for his next set of orders when Eon found and recruited him as a Skylander.
Chop Chop - Gold was one of three gold painted Skylanders to be released for Spyro's Adventure. Much like the silver figures the gold figures were randomly found on store shelves along side the regular figures. The gold figures are supposedly even more rare than the silver figures that were released. As with all colored variant special characters he will not appear as a gold Chop Chop in the game. He is just a gold painted Chop Chop.
The other two gold figures available for Spyro's Adventure are Flameslinger - Gold and Drill Sergeant - Gold.