Molten Hot Dog

Molten Hot Dog
"See Spot Burn!"

Molten Hot Dog Retailers

Hot Dog was born in the belly of the Popcorn Volcano. While on a nearby mission, a team of Skylanders had come across the stray fire pup when the volcano erupted and Hot Dog came rocketing straight into their camp, accidentally setting Gill Grunt's tent on fire. Using his nose of danger, he helped the Skylanders complete their mission - even pouncing on a lava golem like a blazing comet when it threatened his new friends. After displaying such loyalty and bravery, Hot Dog was brought back to Eon's Citadel where he became a Skylander - and then he proceeded to bury Eon's staff.

Molten Hot Dog is a special variant of Hot Dog appearing in Giants. Like most named variants he does appear in the game as Molten Hot Dog. He has one other variant: Fire Bone Hot Dog (Swap Force).

Molten Hot Dog was released in Wave 4 of Skylanders with Giants and was sold exclusively by Walmart. He can now be bought used or through resellers.

Meet Hot Dog


    Card Stats
In Game Stats
Attack: 85  Max Health250
Defense:50  Speed43
Speed: 70  Armor6
Luck:80  Critical Hit60
  Elemental Power25


All Attacks
FirebarkPress Attack 1 to spit fireballs. Press Attack 1, Attack 1, Hold Attack 1 for a special combo.Free
Wall of FirePress Attack 2 to summon a wall of fire and send it towards enemies.Free
Pyro PiercersFireballs pierce multiple targets and do increased damage.500 Gold
Comet SlamPress Attack 3 to flip in the air and slam down on the ground like a comet.700 Gold
Wall of More FireWalls of Fire deal increased damage.900 Gold
Super CometHold Attack 3 to charge up the Comet Slam and release to do increased damage.1200 Gold
Burning Bow Wow Path
Hot Dog CombosPress Attack 1, Attack 1, Hold Attack 2 for Burnin' Bees. Press Attack 1, Attack 1, Hold Attack 3 for Comet Dash.1700 Gold
Bark BombsFireballs explode on impact and do increased damage.2200 Gold
Pyro PinwheelWhile holding attack 3 to charge up the Comet Slam, Hot Dog shoots fireballs from all angles.3000 Gold
Pyro Pooch Path
Blazing WildfireWalls of Fire travel faster and do more increased damage.1700 Gold
Great Walls of FireWalls of Fire are bigger and do even MORE increased damage.2200 Gold
Magmutt BattalionWalls of Fire are now made up of firey dogs that do maximum damage and shoot fireballs whenever Hot Dog fires one.3000 Gold
Soul Gem Ability
Ding Dong DitchAfter a Comet Slam, leave a burning bag that explodes when stepped on. Prerequisite: Comet Slam4000 Gold

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