Today the boys take on The Oracle and learn how to fly an Autogyro in the next two chapters of Skylanders Giants. The Oracle level is another unique and memorable level in the Skylanders Universe. In fact, I thought it was much newer than being in Giants, so that’s how much I remember the level. In this level, you must make a bunch of choices and fight through the enemies within. It’s not hard, but will probably take at least two playthroughs if you want to collect all of the collectibles. Then the boys fly an Autogyro as they need to switch between flying sections and landing to search for keys to open doors. It’s another pretty unique level as there are not many flying levels until you get to SuperChargers. Enjoy as the boys play through Chapters 13 and 14 of Skylanders Giants.
SkylanderNutts Replays Giants (Ch 13 – The Oracle and Ch 14 Autogyro Adventure)
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