I found something interesting today as I was exploring various retailer pages for Skylanders SuperChargers. GameStop has a couple listing for some SuperChargers based remote controlled cars. You will soon be able to get Fiesta and his Crypt Crusher, or Spitfire and his Hot Streak in a remote control toy. I believe this is our first collectible sighting for the new game! It might be considered more of a toy than a collectible but it depends on how many of these cars eventually comes out. For now, there are just two of them listed on GameStop’s website, and they do not appear on any other major retailer that I could find.
This could mean that they will be a GameStop exclusive, but I could see where these may eventually find their way onto shelves at Target, Toys R Us or maybe even Walmart. I don’t expect these to be a very high quality, but who knows. The SuperChargers RC Cars are listed for $29.99 on the GameStop website and have a release date of 9/15, meaning you might be able to get your hands on these before the game is released.

My seven year old grandson have asked for the two skylanders remote control cars one for his birthday 26th November and other for Christmas please can you let me know of any places where we are able to order from as at the moment we have had no luck, only abroad not in the UK, then it costs a small fortune to have them shipped over.
Hey Christine. Sorry I didn’t see your comment until now. The RC cars while they were listed on the GameStop website for quite a while in the states, didn’t really hit the stores when they were supposed to. I’m not sure when they finally came out, but I do know after this past Skylander’s Day (12-5), they finally had them. I see you are in the UK, if you are asking for US stores, because your grandson is in the states, then you want to go with GameStop.com. If you want to know about UK, I’m not quite sure, my searches of the places I know Amazon.co.uk, GameStop.co.uk and Game.co.uk didn’t have anything. Neither did Play-asia.com which has good import prices on games. I’m not even sure if they will be release in the UK, but I would continue to watch the GameStop website/stores since that is who is selling them in the states at this time.
I ended up searching some more, and I think I finally found something at TheGoodDeal.co.uk. I don’t know much about that site, but here is the link to the Crypt Crusher car if you want to check it out. I did also see the HotStreak and Spitfire car listed, but I don’t know if either of them are actually in stock. https://www.thegooddeal.co.uk/en/ad/nkok-full-function-remote-control-skylanders-fiesta-with-crypt-crusher_16139432
Anyone know where they are selling these in the UK?